PERSONAL: Born April 7, 1932, East Taghkanic, NY, Married, one child.
The Modern School of Stelton, NJ from age 2 to 14 (1934-46).
Roeliff Jansen Central School, Hillsdale, NY, 1946-50.
Cornell University, 1950-1954, BS in Biochemistry., Minor in Food Science.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 1958-1963, PhD in Meteorology, minor in plant Ecology
United States Air Force, 1954-57, Pilot and Radar Controller;
General Foods Research Center, Tarrytown, NY, Food Technologist,
Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Research Assistant in Meteorology and Teaching Assistant in Physical Sciences, 1959-1963.
University at Albany - SUNY, 1963 to 1996, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Science (also Dept. of Atmospheric Science), Associate Professor 1965 to 1996 and Chair from 1990 – 1996.
Director, Environmental Studies Program 1973-1975.
Visiting Scientist, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo Ont. Canada from 1973-74.
Visiting Oceanographer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 1975-1978.
Plate tectonics:
Scott, J..T, Hakim, G., Hawkes, C., Mainolfi, A., Rosenbach, N.E. and Rutherford, A, 1989. Crustal expansion and contraction in response to Climatic change as a mechanism for driving the Earth’s crustal plates. Change. Unpublished paper, Univ. at Albany, Albany, N.Y. (Paper was submitted to the journal Global and Planetary Change in 1989, but was rejected. An abstract of the same title was accepted by the AGU meeting of that year, but was allowed only a poster session)..
Scott, J.T., 2015. Top-Down Tectonics: The role of Oceanus and Gaia. Self-published book that can be obtained from Jon Scott by contacting him at [email protected] or writing to him at 200 Sumac Ridge Lane, Altamont, N.Y., 12009.).
Scott, J.T., 2017. On the forces of plate tectonics. (Paper was submitted to the Journal of Geodynamics, but was rejected by one reviewer and the Editor of that journal. See the paper on this website and a response to that rejection.).
Scott, J.T., 2019. Using T.C. Chamberlin’s approach for determining the forces that move the Earth’s tectonic plates. (Unpublished MS that can be found on this website.)
Ocean Circulation and mixing:
Scott, J. T. and Lansing, L., 1967. Gradient circulation in eastern Lake Ontario. Proc. Of the 10th Conf. On Great Lakes Research, 322-326, International Assoc. Great Lakes Res.
Scott, J. T. and Landsberg, D. R., 1969. July Currents near the south shore of Lake Ontario. Proc. Of the 12th Conf. on Great Lakes Research, International Assoc. Great lakes Res.
Scott, J.T., Myer, G.E., Stewart, R. and Walther, E., 1969. On the mechanism of Langmuir circulations and their role in epilimnion mixing. Limnol. and Oceanogr. 14 (493-503).
Landsberg, D.L., Scott, J.T. and Fenlon, M., 1970. Summer circulation patterns near Nine Mile Point, Lake Ontario. Proc. 13th Conf on Great Lakes Research, 444-452, International Assoc Great Lakes Research.
Scott, J.T., Jekel, P. and Fenlon, M, 1971. Transport in the baroclinic currents near the south shore of Lake Ontario. Proc. 14th Conf Great lakes Res., 413-421, International Assoc. Great Lakes Res.
Lemmin, U., Scott, J.T., and Czapski, U. H., 1974, The development from two-dimensional to three dimensional turbulence generated by breaking waves. Jour. Geophys. Res., 79, 3442-3448.
Csanady, G.T. and Scott, J.T., 1974. Baroclinic coastal jets in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. Jour. Phys. Oceanogr. Sept. 1974, 524-541.
Scott, J.T., and Csanady, G. T., 1976. Nearshore currents off Long Island. J. Geophys. Res. 81, 5401-5409.
Natural Vegetation:
Scott, J.T.,1974. Correlation of vegetation with environment: A test of the continuum and community type hypotheses. Handbook of vegetation science, Part VI: Vegetation and environment, PP 89-109. Edited by B. R. Strain and D. W. Billings. Dr. W. Junk, M. V. Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands.
Nicholson, S. A.,Scott, J.T. and Breisch, A. R., 1979. Structure and succession in the tree stratum at Lake George, NY. Ecology 6016 (1240 – 1254).
Scott, J. T., Siccama, T. G., Johnson, A. H. and Breisch, A. R., 1984. Decline of red spruce in the Adirondacks, New York. Bul. Torrey Botanical Club, 111 (438-444).
Scott, J. T., 1980. Performance of a sand bed storage in a low energy passive low energy home. Proc. of the Fifth National Passive Solar Conference, Amer. Section of the International Solar Energy Society, Newark, DE..
Technical Reports. Here are three that are frequently quoted.
Scott, J.T and Ragotzkie, R. A., 1964. Comparison of the heat balance of lakes in winter. Technical Report 13, ONR contract N. 1202 (07), Univ of Wisconsin Dept of Meteorology, Madison, WI
Holway, J. G., and J. T. Scott, 1969. Vegetation-environment relations at Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondacks, New York. Publication 92, Atmospheric Science research Center, Univ. at Albany, Albany, NY.
Beardsley, R. C., Boicourt, W., Huff, L. C. and Scott, J. T., 1977. CMICE 76: A current meter intercomparison experiment conducted off Long Island in Feb. Mar. 1976 Woods Hole, MA 02543.
PAPERS PRESENTED. Jon presented 17, or more, papers at National or International conferences with three being invited.
From 1964 to 1986 Jon was a member of international and national research committees including the International Field year for the Great lakes.
The International Biological Program for four years..
Field program for the National Acid Deposition Program,.
The International Current Meter Inter-comparison for two years,
Chaired the committee to organize the annual meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research held at the Univ. at Albany in 1970 and Associate Editor of that Journal for six years.
Taught over 30 different courses in Atmospheric Sciences at the graduate and undergraduate levels including graduate seminars; seven different courses in the Environmental Studies Program and one graduate course at the University of Waterloo.
As Chair of the Graduate Committee for five years. Developed the MS and PhD programs for the Department of Earth and Atmosphere,
Chair of the Undergraduate Committee for ten years.
Chair of the Committee to organize a re-merger of the Departments of Atmospheric and Geology into the Department of Atmosphere and Earth Science.
Organized a seminar on how science works for three years.
Several different committees for the University Senate.
Chair of the University Environmental Decisions Commission for four years.
Member of the committee to hire the Dean of the College of Arts and Science.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Advisor to the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation for about 10 years.
Member of the SUNY University discussion group to organize education in NY State for six years.
Many talks in the Albany, NY region, mostly on environmental subjects, climate change, natural vegetation, lake and ocean circulation, plate tectonics, how science works. and geomyths.